Cerita Medan 1.0.2
Apa Cerita? Ya CERITA MEDAN!Masih sangat sedikitnya media-media di Indonesia khususnya diKota Medan yang mau mendukung kreatifitas dari Komunitas Anak MudaMedan. Dengan berlatar belakang hal tersebut maka sudah saatnyakita harus mampu mendukung kreatifitas yang ada di Kota Medanterutama komunitas-komunitas yang sampai saat ini harusdipublikasikan kegiatannya. Bukan hanya komunitas saja, CeritaMedan di tahun 2015 menambah fokus pada Support Local Talent. AnakMedan yang punya bakat dalam hal berbisnis, penemuan ide,kreatifitas, group band, prestasi-prestasi yang sangat harusdipublish, maka Cerita Medan full support untuk hal tersebut.Oleh sebab itu, CeritaMedan.com sangat mendukung terhadappublisitas kegiatan Komunitas dan support segala bakat kreatifitasyang ada di Medan. Agar menjadi gambaran untuk Anak Muda Kota Medanyang lainnya bahwa diri mereka juga mampu berkreasi dan salingmendukung kegiatan-kegiatan positif komunitas dan segala bakatkreatifitas di Medan. Namun CeritaMedan.com tidak bisa sendiri,butuh dukungan dari kawan-kawan sekalian.About: http://oncoding.net/portfolio/cerita-medan/Web: http://ceritamedan.comTwitter: http://twitter.com/ceritamedanInstagram: http://instagram.com/ceritamedancomWhat story? Yes STORIESFIELD!Still very least the media in Indonesia, especially in Medan arewilling to support the creativity of the Community Youth field.With the background of the matter, it is time we should be able tosupport creativity in the city of Medan especially communities thatuntil now had to be published activities. Not just any community,story Medan in 2015 added a focus on Support Local Talent. Terrainchild who has a talent in terms of doing business, the discovery ofideas, creativity, bands, achievements so should be published, thestory Medan full support for it.Therefore, CeritaMedan.com very supportive of the publicityactivities and community support all the creative talent in thefield. In order to be a picture for Young Children Medan othersthat themselves are also able to create and support each otherpositive activities and all the talent community creativity inMedan. However CeritaMedan.com can not own, need the support of allhis colleagues.About: http://oncoding.net/portfolio/cerita-medan/Web: http://ceritamedan.comTwitter: http://twitter.com/ceritamedanInstagram: http://instagram.com/ceritamedancom
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Ionstore Ionic WooCommerce
Ionstore is an Ionic WooCommerce FullApplication for Android and iOS. As we know that WooCommerce hasbeen used by 30% eCommerce worldwide nowadays. We create this appto easily connecting your WooCommerce website with hybrid mobileapplication (Android & iOS). Just follow our getting startedand video guide and your app is ready to run.In this beta version, we include some features that will bring yourbusiness into the apps. You can manage your products, categoriesand orders from WooCommerce dashboard and it will connect with theapps. We add PayPal as your payment method and some method forshipping. Your customer can use quick search from the app toquickly find the wanted product. We also add signin and signupfeature.We still have a very huge homework to make this app work perfectfor your business. So, don't be hesitate to contact us and tell uswhat feature do you need. We will keep update this project and keeplearning to the next project. If you have any question to ask, feelfree to contact us.Thanks!=====================NEW FEATURES !!!1. Home sliderHorizontal slider on your home screen that connected with WordpressSlider Plugin2. Rate App (only work on real device)Your customer rates your app3. Scroll to TopButton click to the top when you are scrolling down4. Edit Profile (only work on real device)Customer can edit their profile name after logged in5. Edit Billing Address / Shipping Address (only work on realdevice)Customer can edit their billing and shipping address after loggedinALL FEATURES THAT YOU NEED !!!1. WooCommerce REST APIConnecting your WooCommerce products and categories with theAndroid and iOS app.2. Sigin / Signup using Wordpress accountYour customer can use their account to login in this app. And newcustomer can signup from the apps.3. My OrderYou customer can manage their order and view their history orderfrom this menu.4. Product Category / SubcategoryYou can add category and subcategory from WooCommerce dashboard andit will be shown in your apps.5. Shipping MethodYou can add shipping method in your apps.6. PayPal GatewayYour customer can pay their order using their PayPal account.7. Quick SearchYour customer can search their wanted product.8. ContactYou customer can easily call and contact you using this menu.9. FAQFrequently ask questions to educate your customer about your onlineshop.=====================Buy Now: https://goo.gl/MwKI0PVideo Preview on Android:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsljhVu7e4sVideo Preview on iOS: https://youtu.be/n9sKpNfTPsADocumentation: http://www.ionicpremium.com/ionstore-docWebsite: http://ionstore.ionicpremium.com
Ionium - Ionic Premium is a hybrid mobileapplication that developed by Ionic Framework & ngCordova. Itcan be run on Android and iOS. It also provides all of native appsfeatures using ngcordova. We also provide a detailed documentationthat will help you how to getting started with this project.We provide all of mobile apps functionalities that can be used todevelop any apps. The application will present push notification,social network login, hardware feature, maps, create read updatedelete using Backand, themes, ton of features and Ionic materialdesign.You can use all of these features to develop a brand new apps. Gograb it now!=====================ALL FEATURES THAT YOU NEED !!!1. Push NotificationLocal Notification – Sending local notification without internetconnectionReal Push Notification – Sending notification using Google CloudMessaging2. Social Network LoginLogin using Facebook – Connecting apps with Facebook APIsLogin using Google Plus – Connecting apps with Google PlusAPIs3. Hardware PluginVibration – Turn on the vibration from the deviceToast – Show a native toast (a little text popup) on iOS andAndoroidDialog – Trigger alert, confirm and confirm windowsFlashlight- Turn on the flash from the deviceCamera – Take a picture and video from native cameraDevice Information – Getting device information from thedeviceNetwork Information – Getting network information from thedevice4. Google MapsGet Current Position – Getting your current positionNative Navigation – Launch the native navigator from start to adestinationCRUD – Create Read Update DeleteUsing LocalStorage – CRUD using LocalStorageUsing Backand – CRUD using Backand5. Free ThemesDashboard – This is a homeNewsfeed – Themes for a news appsE-Commerce – Themes for an e-commerce appsHotel Booking – Themes for a hotel booking appsSocial Media – Themes for social media like Instagram6. FeaturesPull-to-Refresh – Allow you to reload by pulling the screenLoad More Infinitely – Allow you load more data by scrollingPinch & Zoom Images – Allow you to pinch and zoom animagesBack to Top – Using a button click to back to the top of thescreenYoutube Video – Playing a youtube video from Youtube APISocial Share – Native sharing using ngcordovaCall, Email & SMS – Sending text message via email and SMSnativelyImage Picker – Multple image selectionAdmob – Presents Admob ads natively from javascript7. Ionic MaterialMaterial Components – All Ionic components themed to be GoogleMaterial DesignMaterial Motion List – Ionic Material list motion=====================Buy Now: https://goo.gl/BN80sCVideo Preview: https://youtu.be/2IXvWAd8kG0Documentation: http://ionium.ionicpremium.com/docWebsite: http://ionicpremium.com